Question: How does my standard program work?
1. Part 1:
- We start with a quick assessment call of 20 to 30 minutes to obtain details relating to your issue(s) and your prevailing mental and physical health status;
- Next, we determine if a client is suitable for a therapeutic and coaching program, by assessing their eligibility and suitability against a specific set of criteria.
2. Part 2:
- The first consultation addresses the most significant issue to deal with;
- The steps during the consultations are as follows:
- We explain the therapeutic and coaching approaches of hypnosis and deep relaxation and commence that process;
- We use a technique to reach down through the client's lifetime to the point where the belief was formed that has caused the issue;
- The next step involves a reframing technique to change the understanding, mindset and belief surrounding their issue/challenge/block;
- The Transformation phase follows by making use of several techiques to change the old belief to create and rectify it to form a new perspective;. This part includes making a short recording for the client to use on a daily basis;
- We conclude the therapy to allow the client to leave their relaxed state and ensure the client is fully present, any questions are addressed, and includes their homework instructions - the session ends;
3. Part 3:
- A follow-up contact by phone or Zoom call is made with the client the next day and on days 4 and 21 after the session;
- The next RTT therapeutic session follows 21 days later, to make minor tweaks to the client's program and/or deal with a second issue if such is present. A new recording containing updated transformation details can be made if required.
4. Part 4: (If selected to be included)
- The Coaching sessions of a minimum of 1 hour follow weekly and run for 12 - 16 weeks;
- Sessions can be in-person, a group call(Zoom), or an individual call/online meeting.
What is the difference between Hypnosis, and Rapid Transformational Therapy?
- Hypnosis is: Being in a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration on a therapeutic basis.
- Rapid Transformational Therapy(RTT) is a way of embracing many of the positive aspects of hypnosis, and hypnotherapy produces a transformative effect on clients. The use of trance, finding the root cause and hypnotic conditioning, form the basis of this therapy. An RTT therapist will apply a particular set of techniques over and over again. (Marisa Peer).
RTT uses a combination of techniques involving Hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, Counselling and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Which is the better option: In-person or online therapy?
- Both are equally effective as the same techniques are used in both options.
I'm afraid of not being in control at all times during a session.
- During hypnosis you are, in the Alpha state of awareness, and not out for the count;
- You remain in your control;
- The therapist cannot make you do anything that is not to your will under normal non-hypnotic instances;
- So you need not have any qualms or fears that you may be exploited against your natural will.
What is the procedure if I cannot make an appointment due to an unforeseen issue that cropped up?
- We are all subject to an arrangement that has to be changed at short notice from time to time;
- Please advise us as soon as possible preferably 48 hours before the appointment time;
- A reschedule will be offered so that your progress in your program is not unduly interrupted or delayed too much;
- However, if you fail to turn up for your appointment, and have not advised us beforehand, you will be charged for at least half the appointment time and any costs we have incurred if applicable, such as venue hire, as well as travel time and cost;
- We will always engage with our client in good faith and do not view this rule as grounds for cancelling your contract.
Can I bring a support person with me?
- You may bring a support person of your choice to the appointment - do read our Terms and Conditions covering this arrangement;
- We will require the support person to sign a declaration and consent form which outlines their role during a session, and includes covering privacy issues for all parties concerned;
- Children under 18 will not be able to sit in whether or not as a support person;
- It is not possible to have to attend to anyone or anything during the client's session - please rather reschedule your appointment. The therapist requires your full cooperation to participate during your appointment.
Who has access to my private information?
- Your physical information will be stored in a locked steel cabinet to which only the therapist has access at the business address;
- A digital version will be stored in the cloud, utilising all possible measures to protect your information from digital interference by parties outside the business. However the only exception to this will be in the case that the information is required under legal means for use in a court of law.
What are the payment options to secure an appointment?
- All programs(and appointments) are required to be prepaid before the arranged date and time of the apointment, irrespective of attending online or in person;
- If the attendance is in person, please note that there is no facility to accept payment at any of the venues you may attend;
- Your appointment is viewed as firm, only once payment is acknowledged, which may require that payment by the client must be complete at least 48 hours before the appointment time;
- Payments are accepted via Internet banking using either a direct credit, or credit card/debit card, (small surcharge fee applies), as well as PayPal. A cash payment can also be made directly into our bank account;
- Our banking details are reflected on your invoice. We bank with the ASB Bank in New Zealand.
Can I have a refund for the sessions that I cancelled?
- If your financial circumstances have changed since starting your program, please contact René directly to reach an agreement regarding pausing your program;
- Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully, before signing the service contract.
Why are sessions recorded?
- Sessions are recorded to allow for the therapist to ensure that all possible care is taken to personalise the client's program as best as possible;
- Some of our techniques are enhanced by using words and phrases specific to the client;
- In-person appointments are recorded as well and is a safety measure for both the therapist and the client, in addition to the above point.
Are sessions available after work hours, including weekends?
- There is a measure of flexibility and possibility to accommodate after-hours appointments;
- They will invariably be only available online.
Is my RTT Program guaranteed to work?
- The therapist has completed and been certified as competent to a very high level of achievement and practice;
- There are peer-reviewed studies that prove the technique works and is sound;
- The client must be willing to engage with the program, and follow the instructions at the various stages of the program;
- The therapist is not a medical professional or psychologist and the client will be referred to such professionals should there be a need or request to do so;
- The therapist will not advise the client on any medical issue that crops up or prevails at the time of the program, although the therapist has a very wide skill base in health science.